Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Accounting Accounting Where did I go wrong

My major: Accounting.

Things that suck: Accounting. I need to just open up my own business or something, I can't do accounting day in and day out like this and not go crazy within 2 years. Also, there are many many hens who cackle at work.

I'm officially a brunette now! Cut my hair after 3 years of not cutting it, and dyed it a dark chestnut, I look awesome.

On another note, Saturday night I went to a party that was mostly people I used to work with at PJ's. Lucas was there, but I didn't say anything to him at all, I didn't want to open up that can of worms again. Jason's new gf did mention to me how Lucas said we dated. That was it though, nothing ever happened nor did we ever have an exchange of any type.

Yesterday, while dying my hair, I got a text from an unknown number saying "hey whats up". Thinking it was just a friend, i replied and then asked who it was. I immediately new, after he texted back "nevermind" He wanted to get together to talk about us and our past. I'm like... uh..... n0pe. He then went into a series of long texts apoligizing to me for what he did. Seriously, Fool me once shame on you, fool me twice shame on me. I'm not getting involved with that stuff again. Thats such bs and its wierd that he even texted me. He needs to get over himself, acting like he even has a spot in my life at all any more. Where does he get the gall to even talk to me?

Funny story about Lucas though, he tried calling up Hilary (who's now pregnant, 6 months after they dated, with her bf's baby) because he was scared it was his. He seriously doesn't think. CLEARLY thats not his baby. He's just slow and is trying to cause trouble for girls because he really has nothing else going on in his life.

Silly Boys.

Good note - Ted's coming home tonight for Thanksgiving break! I have alot to do though before Amin comes home, so I'm not even sure I'll be able to hang out with Ted. Also, Fantastic Mr. Fox is coming out soon!

Ughhhhh back to work.

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